Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Putting Off Work

I am totally procrastinating tonight. I have checked email, Facebook, my RSS feeds, and now I'm even writing on my blog before doing my actual schoolwork.  I know tomorrow will be a bit easier if I do what I need to do  tonight, but I am just not feeling up for it.
One of the "extras" I do at school is the morning announcements program.  We have a cast of 3 on-air personalities, one camera person, and a guest pledge leader.  I type the script for the kids each day and also create a PowerPoint loop of announcements and menus and birthdays that runs before the announcements start.  I usually create the loop at the beginning of the month and have everything on it for the whole month--all the lunch menus and birthdays, etc.  I am totally unmotivated to do it tonight.  Tomorrow night won't be any better, nor will Thursday.  I suppose that if I just update it each morning this week, I can do the bulk of it over the weekend.  That sounds way better to me than spending two hours tonight doing it.
I am the Queen of Procrastination.  Speaking of being a queen, I am reading The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County to our kindergarteners and first graders.  The book is really growing on me.  The story line is pretty far from what any of our students can relate to, but the illustrations are really great.  The kids have really enjoyed studying the collage techniques of Shelley Jackson.  After we read the book, the kids cut the letters of their names out of old magazines and put them on a nametag, just like on the cover.  It's  a little like a ransom note, but we don't talk about that!! I even made a label to put on the nametag that tells of the inspiration for the project.  The kids have really had fun with  it.

In fifth grade, I pulled an ocean research pocket out of my filing cabinet (and by that I mean my butt). No, really.  I had done the lesson some time ago and kind of forgotten about it, but it turns out that that's what they're studying in science right now, so it fits in perfectly. You just have to love when it works out like that.

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