Monday, April 27, 2009


Oh, it was one of those days. Mondays are always so busy for me--I think that I come up with crazy ideas over the weekend, and my brain is just running on overdrive when I get to work. I had to make myself sit at my desk and answer some emails before starting on any of the new projects.
At the elementary school, you know that we are run by the clock. We have six classes a day for forty-five minutes each. It's a pretty tight schedule, and it takes all of us (teachers and specialists) being considerate to get through the day smoothly.
One of our grade levels has been consistently late dropping off and picking up their students. They are usually 5-10 minutes late arriving at special, and then 3-8 minutes late picking up. As specialists, we have tried all different kinds of strategies to get this grade level on track. We have asked politely, we have asked administrators for help, we have emailed numerous times, but nothing seems to work.
Today, the teacher I had was five minutes late arriving, and six minutes late picking up. This ran into the time of the next class. I was walking around the library, readying things for the next class (a mere four minutes past when the first class should've been picked up) and happened to see the principal in the hallway. I went into the hallway guns a'blazing and made her come into the library to see what was happening. She noted it and said she'd attend a grade level meeting to address it. The late teacher finally came in and apologized, but I just couldn't listen to her. I told her that the time for words was past; I needed actions. I didn't want excuses or apologies or anything from her except that she arrive on time to pick up her class. I was STEAMING mad. I'm almost over it, but not quite (as you can tell). To be so consistently inconsiderate is infuriating to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your principal helps. As a teacher I hate it when other teachers are late picking up classes and I have stand there waiting with my class. However, once in a blue moon I may be late due to a behavior problem lining up or moving them down the hall.