Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Two Awesome Things

Two awesome things happened in my library today. First, a student made a comment today that completely blew me away. I was reading Henry's Freedom Box aloud to a fourth grade class (it's one of our state's Readers' Choice books), and on the second page a student interrupted my reading (interrupted!) and said, "Miss R., that was a simile." I stopped reading and set the book down. I asked him to repeat what he'd said. His friends wanted to know what he said, and I made him say it again louder. I was just beside myself with joy. I didn't even know what to say to the student except, "Yes, Robert, it IS a simile." I felt flushed. I had to fan myself. It was a beautiful moment, one of those moments teachers dream about. It has renewed my faith in teaching and in students. OK, now for the fun stuff. Our author visit with Jerry Pallotta was completely fun and exciting for the kids. I had a great afternoon with him (and of course, that's the most important part), even though he is a Red Sox fan. He was great with the kids and they learned some stuff and didn't even know it. My fabulous library intern took pictures of the event with his fancy wedding-gig camera, and here are some of them: This is Jerry Pallotta with his lion skull on a student's head. The kids loved this and Jerry also did it with a (much smaller) monkey skull. That was pretty silly, too. I love this picture. The activity room was completely darkened, and he was up on the stage in front of the ceiling mounted projector and screen. Take a close look at this picture. We see the lion's skull in Jerry's hands, we see the shadow it casts near the bottom of the picture, and we see the large illustration of the skull on the screen. Very cool.

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