Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lesson Planning Overload

It has been a busy few weeks! Along with my friend Jenny, I've been busy creating lessons to go along with our state's Readers' Choice book list. We are sharing them at a session of our state's School Librarians' conference this week. I am not sure if creating lessons is the right phrase, exactly. I've been developing extension activities to go with the books on the list. It's been fun--I love connecting with my crafty self every so often. I found a bunch of great ideas online from publishers, authors, and librarians. When I wrote and asked for permission to include their idea in our CD of handouts, I heard from everyone except two big publishers. Sad and typical, I have to say. Everyone who I asked was thrilled to be asked and included. This reminds me of an article I read recently in the NY Times about teachers charging for lesson plans and unit plans. I don't know how I feel about this. As I was searching for ideas to go with the book list, I certainly appreciated those people who put stuff on their sites and blogs for free. As someone who has spent tons of hours compiling ideas and working on my own lessons, I can see the need for seeking compensation for my time. Hmmm...I will keep thinking about this. In the meantime, I am going back to burning CDs of the ideas we've collected. There are over 90 pages of activities, so I am very glad that we're not handing out paper packets to the attendees. I feel green. I hope we have a lot of people at our session.

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