Friday, November 20, 2009

State Conference Exhaustion

I am so excited that I get to sleep in until 7 am tomorrow. How sad is that?!?! Our state librarians' conference has been fabulous, but I am on overload. The past three days have been 16+ hours days of networking, sessions, tweeting, facebooking, eating, walking, and listening. Whew! I will look forward to a quiet 4-hour drive home tomorrow just to digest everything I've learned and decompress a little. Tonight's author dinner was with T.A. Barron. What a delightful man. So kind and sensitive and endearing. He had me teary a couple of times during his talk. Here's a great picture of him signing books before he spoke. His wife made his sweater, and it took her 20 years to finish it! Another author on a pedestal...

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