Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Videotaping--First Attempt

Let's just say it did not go well.  Thank goodness this was just a practice practice session--I just wanted to see what my lesson looked like before asking someone to film the official practice video.  In the first class, I had a kid who simply could NOT stop waving at the camera.  Really?!!?! Second grade!  Ugh.

In the second class, which I was hoping could possibly go a little better than the first, I had to stop teaching and fuss at a group of kids (and their teacher) who were SO DAMN LOUD at the computers that I couldn't even think. 

Then, in anger, I emailed said teacher to thank her for ruining my videotape.  I haven't heard back from her yet.  I know that I'm not supposed to email in anger.  It just happened.  I couldn't help it, and I would've screamed out loud if I could have. 

I almost forgot the best part--as I was FILMING my second graders constructing a grid with this huge floor puzzle-grid thing, one of the staff members came cutting through the library with two guys who were there to fix the clocks.  THEY WALKED RIGHT THROUGH THE DAMN GRID!!!!!! DURING MY LESSON!!!! F-ing go AROUND!  AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!

Then my third grade class had to leave 15 minutes early to go to lunch, and the teacher asked me if I'd be taking them.  Um, no.  If you can't stay for library, then my time is up and my job is done.  I am just not in such a giving mood these days. 

Then our librarians meeting was held at my school today.  So I had to sit through four hours of mastery objectives and evaluation models.  OMG.  Seriously.  Just. shoot. me. now.

Thank God and Thank the Veterans that I have tomorrow off.

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