Friday, February 5, 2010

Teeny Tiny Little Flakes

of snow are falling.  They've been falling for about three hours now, and nothing is sticking to the ground.  The weather forecasters are predicting 18 to 24 inches of snowfall in our region over the next two days, and because this storm started as expected during the day, schools cancelled last night for today.
It was great getting to sleep in and not having to wake up to listen for a delay or cancellation.  Cosmo and I snuggled until about 8:30 and then had a lazy morning.  K and I went out for breakfast and to do one errand, and traffic was unbelievable!  I am glad we're back in waiting for the storm to hit full-force.  Bring. It. On.
After last weekend's snow, our work day on Monday was cancelled, school was cancelled on Tuesday, and then we had more snow Tuesday night that cancelled school on Wednesday.  We had a 2-hour delay on Thursday, and now here we are.  So I taught for a total of four hours this week.  Woah...
If this storm brings us as much as is expected, I doubt we'll be having school until at last Tuesday of next week.  Good thing I brought home some work to do over the long weekend.

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