So a kindergartner returned a picture book the other day that was wet. Not just a little damp--I'm talking wring-it-out wet, fuzzy-mold growing inside it already. I sent it back home with a note about the damage, writing that even though it was probably an accident, the family is still responsible for paying for it.
And I get a scathing, SCATHING letter back from the dad about how I accused his son of damaging the book and how if we needed money for the library, they would consider helping out, but it is WRONG for me to demand payment for a book his son did not damage. "We know the value of book in our house," he wrote.
Hmmm...the note came back with the book, which was completely dry. Yet the dad is trying to tell me that the book was damaged before his son ever checked it out?!?!? It came in soaking wet yet was completely dry the next day and he thinks that someone got it wet the week before his son checked it out? I think not.
I sent a very kind letter back, even cc'ing my principal on it, and haven't heard a word since. Sometimes it just feels good to get the last word in.
So far, at least...
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