Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Settling In

I have been going to my new school at least three or four times a week since we got back from vacation, and progress has been made! One of my friends came by today and was excited to see how much things have improved.  Whew! I finally started unpacking my own stuff today--I emptied most of the boxes of books and files that I had brought.  Now I just have a bunch of plastic tubs to empty, which I'll start on tomorrow.  My office is definitely looking like I've moved in! I even got my computer up and running today, which was kind of fun.  Actually, it has been nice not having a computer set up--I HAVE to do the manual labor instead of working online.

To tomorrow when I go in, I'll start on those tubs, which have combinations of stuff in them (so they wouldn't be too heavy to move).  There are books, decorations, stuff from all over the library in them, so it'll be a little slower unpacking the tubs than the boxes.

I bought what I thought was a filing cabinet from an online yard sale a couple of weeks ago; it turns out it is actually an old pattern cabinet from a fabric store.  It's much bigger than a filing cabinet, and more versatile.  Here's a picture of the first drawer.  Don't be shocked:
It is a ridiculous amount of pencils and pens.  Overwhelming, really.  In all my years of teaching, I have never seen anything like this. I suppose it's better to have too much than to walk into a situation where I have absolutely no supplies.

I have started labeling things that I've organized.  The drawer you see above is called "Things that Write."  Below it is "Things that Clip," and "Things that Stick," "Things that Measure," "Things that Cut." Someone told me once that my organizational system is like an episode of "The $25,000 Pyramid." Try it! What could be in a drawer called "Things that Clip?!?!?" GO!

I'll post some before-and-after pictures when everything's ready to go for the new school year.  I'm excited to have this organization and moving in part closer to being done so I can concentrate on important stuff!

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