Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Heart My Principal

I don't know how to put a little heart in the title.  I should try to figure that out...
So my principal sent out the list of people who would be going into classrooms to do interventions, and my assistant and I were both on the list.  I sent an email to the staff to let them know the library would be closed the last 1/2 hour of the day and went to my assigned classroom at the end of the day.
I didn't think it went well.  I worked with a student who needed some one-on-one time, which was fine, but on the second day, the teacher informed me that we'd be doing "fun stuff" at the end of the day.  Puh-leez.  Is that why I'm there?  I think not.
Anyway, my principal called last night to tell me that he hadn't realized that the library would have to close, and he certainly didn't want that to happen.  So he assigned my assistant and me to the same teacher, and we are able to switch off and keep the library open.  And I'll get a little quiet time at the end of the day (little is the operative word here).
So I wrote a thank you note to my principal that said, "I [heart] my principal.  Thank you for being flexible, for recognizing differing needs, and for not being afraid to change your mind."  I really mean it.  I love working for this guy.

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