Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Students, Don't Do This

I am teaching two electives this school year.  I am not happy about it, because hey, I'm a librarian.  However, I have made the situation be as good as it can be.  Lots of us are doing things we don't want to do during Coronatimes. 

It has been many years since I was a classroom teacher.  MANY.  I am not used to the grading, grading, grading grind.  

This is the timeline of recent interactions with a student.

Wednesday 9/16--discussion post assigned

Friday 9/18--discussion post due

Wednesday 9/16 to October 6--silence.  crickets. nothing.

Today, halleluiah! Student completes assignment:

Five hours later, 7:30 PM  the student emails me to let me know he has finished the assignment AND

OMG REALLY?!?!?! I am so not used to this.

My response to him, 14 minutes after his email to me:

Omgosh, I want to have a very candid discussion with this child about his expectations.  The petty side of me wants him to know that it will be done during school hours WHEN I HAVE TIME.  

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