Sunday, January 12, 2014

January thoughts

Well, we've already had 5 snowdays and 2 or 3 late openings because of the winter weather.  Actually, some of the days were "ice" days, and we had one "cold" day during the polar vortex.  I love myself some snowdays, but when we're down to two banked days and it's not even mid-January, I start to worry.  We'll be making up any days over our banked time, and that means we'll work federal holidays and that our early dismissal work days will be gone.

One of my colleagues shared with me a wonderful tool called  I am in love with this online resource! One of my January resolutions was to beef up my lesson plans, as the current four-word phrases I put in my calendar probably wouldn't stand up to my principal's scrutiny.  Not that he has ever asked for them--and before you judge, know that I have lesson plans typed up in the format we use at my school, but it's not often that I consult them and update them.  After 14 years of being a librarian, I kind of have it down--I hope that doesn't sound arrogant.  When I write down "atlas--week 2" in my plans, I know exactly what that means I'll be doing.  I follow my curriculum map, which is complete with SOL correlations, so it's not at all like I'm just flying by the seat of my pants.

Anyway, with my new online planbook, I have everything in one place--calendar, state standards, a template that I designed, a place for notes, and lots of flexibility to accommodate my 6-day rotation and our wacky schedule with extended day classes, early dismissal schedules, etc.  I can send a link to my plans to a substitute (although I usually write much more detailed plans for a sub), and I can add files to the plans, and even print them out for my principal (if he ever asks).  I think I can post a link to it when I get it all filled out and ready to go, so look for that soon.

We're predicted to get a little snow here on Wednesday, and anyone who lives in the south knows that it doesn't take much to call off school.  Here's hoping for another snow day!!

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