Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Porcupine Book...or not

I was talking with my sister tonight.  Her son is a kindergartner, and being a teacher, she is enjoying school from the perspective of a new parent, and not just as a teacher.  And by enjoying, I totally mean "barely coping with the anxiety of."
So she was telling me about the books her son was reading in school, and of course, I asked about library.  He told her that the librarian read a book about a porcupine.  Hmmm...I was thinking and thinking about which book this could possibly be.  And then I asked, "Could it have been a hedgehog?" Maybe, she thought.  And then I said, "What Happened to Marion's Book?--I bet it was that one!" and my sister asked if it had something to do with a washing machine.  Yes, YES! I excitedly answered. 

I have to say, she was quite impressed.  She said I could make an app for that.  People could send me the vaguest idea of a book they'd read, and I could figure it out for them.  True enough, I could probably do that, for children's books, at least.

In a related story, a student came into the library needing "Ralphius Mouse" for his teacher.  Just as I would've interpreted it, my assistant figured he wanted a copy of Ralph S. Mouse.  So she gave the student a copy of the book to take to his teacher.  Two minutes later the student came back, this time with a note.  The teacher wanted a wireless mouse.  HA!! It could've gone either way, for sure.

Just one more reason to love these kids!!

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