Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day Down

Whew!! And what a first day it was! Things were blissfully calm in the library today, unlike the hallways, classrooms, and bus ramp. Our last bus didn't arrive until about 25 minutes after school was supposed to start, but the principal really did come in and give his message to the kids during morning announcements. He has unbounding energy. I think I feel more tired just being around him--how can that be? Library classes started today, which was new and different for us, but I really liked it. Why not just jump into the first day with both feet?!?! It was great, even kindergarten. I was a little worried that they'd cry when their teacher left, but they were fine and I was fine! No tears! No bathroom accidents! Dismissal was a bit crazy this afternoon, and I was mostly thankful to be sitting in my little room typing in the bus numbers ever so slowly. It took almost an hour for dismissal to finish: car riders went on forever, there was an accident at the entrance to the school, and some kids were temporarily misplaced. Well, I shouldn't say they were misplaced--they were just not listening to where they should go or what they should do! Thank goodness for laptops so I could continue to work while sitting there waiting for bus numbers to be announced. All in all, a productive first day. I came home and drank some wine and feel like I might be able to do it all over again tomorrow.

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