Tuesday, September 20, 2005

still sufferin'

What a day! This cold is kicking my butt. I wish I could take a day off. Today at the bus ramp, two kids were fooling around and one of them conked a girl in the face. Her nose started bleeding--gushing--and I rushed her into the building to see the nurse. I have just never seen a nosebleed like that before. So much for universal precautions; what do you do when a kid is bleeding all over the bus ramp?! Say "hold on--let me get some gloves"?!?! She's okay now. Her mom picked her up and she didn't have to ride the bus home. Yikes. My adrenalin was pumping. Other than that, we had a fun day. Lots of 4th graders today. The littles got to check out those brand new books. They loved them! I learned today that unattached dust jackets and 5 year-olds just don't go together. Those DJs were off before I could even think about it. Lesson learned.

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