Tuesday, May 27, 2008
So today I got a phone call from a CP. She had called last week because her son had an overdue book on his record that she TOLD him to return two months ago. She says he returned it. OK. I am not going to win this battle. The book may get returned, but it is no longer checked out to that child. I just took it off his record.
Then the parent tells me that she told her son not to check out books from the library anymore. She could see according to his overdue notice that he had another book checked out. When I saw the boy's class later that day, I asked him if he had the book in his desk because he should return it asap. I said something like, "I talked to mom this morning, and she told me that you weren't supposed to be checking out books. So if you have it, I'd better take it back." That was pretty much the extent of our conversation.
She called again today because he had checked out another book on Friday!!! Was she made that he defied her rule and my request? One would think. One would assume that the parent would be mad at her child for doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what his mother and librarian had told him. One would think...
Oh, no. Not this CP. She was mad because I spoke to her son in his classroom about this. It was NOT MY RIGHT, she tells me. IT WAS BETWEEN HER AND HER SON, she tells me. AND I SHOULD BE HAPPY SHE IS CALLING IT TO MY ATTENTION AND NOT THE FRONT OFFICE'S, she tells me. To that, I responded, "Thank you... I think." Ooh, she did not like that. I couldn't help it. I really tried not to be mouthy, but I failed. And pretty much I am not too sad about that.
I tried to explain to her that if she had wanted him not to check out, she could've told me about it and I would put a note on his record. I tried explaining this, but she would not listen. THIS IS BETWEEN HER AND HER SON, she kept saying.
OK. It's the end of the year. We are not even circulating books anymore. This kid is really a nice kid. I really like him. It's just his CP that has put me in a mood. She just had SUCH an attitude. I, however, did not have an attitude until she told me that I should be HAPPY that she did not contact the front office. After I thanked her (I think) I invited her to talk to the principal. I almost wish she would.
The number one thing to drive me out of teaching will be CPs like this woman. It won't be the low pay, or the exhaustion from working with kids, or the many extra hours I put in. Nope. It will be the crazy parents.
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